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The Sexual Wellness Education Initiative (SWEI) has two main components:



Firstly, we want to increase sexual wellness awareness in UCG by implementing a yearly curriculum with workshops, discussions, booklets, and other resources on a variety of important topics such as consent, STDs, birth control, etc. 


We would like some part of the curriculum to be mandatory for all students every year, especially the consent and boundaries workshops where we outline our community expectations of consent. Most of the other components are optional. We focus on creating a holistic curriculum that fully encompasses the multi-faceted nature of sexual education. We want to empower students to explore their own beliefs, and relationship with their body. Topics such as consent, healthy relationships, and boundaries encourage students to engage with one another, and will ultimately strengthen the diverse community that UCG is.

Image by Charles Deluvio
Image by Dainis Graveris

Second, we aim to train around 10 selected students with specific workshops and external training to give them a deeper and more broad knowledge of sexual health and wellness, as well as equip them with the necessary tools to provide some mental health first aid. The goal is to make them liaisons and tools to direct students with questions to the right persons and resources. We believe that having culturally aware and trained students will make it easier and more accessible for students to ask questions, and to know where to get help. Not only will this increase the feeling of safety on campus, but it will create a network of knowledge and informed discussion around topics that affect the daily lives of students. This is something that could prove to be beneficial to the goals of engaging education at UCG.

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