Sexual Assault Information
Sexual assault is a severely under-reported crime, a reason for this -among others- is that victims of it often have feelings of responsibility or guilt. If you have been assaulted, remember, it is not your fault or responsibility, you didn't deserve this and you are not alone!
There are many places you can go if you need any type of help. Therefore, we have provided some contacts below if you would like someone to talk to, a place online to read up on what you can do, or would like to report an assault.
Within RUG:
Confidential advisor RUG
Personal support advisor (only UCG)
Student Service Center psychologists & counselors
Uurwerkersgang 10, Groningen
Other resources:
Sexual Assault Center
on-call 24/7 at 0800-0188
For all sex-related questions
Report Anonymously
How to report
Calling the police
Emergency number - 112 (free of charge)
Report a crime anonymously - 0800-7000 (free of charge)
Local police for non-emergencies - 0900-8844 (10 cents per minute)
Do you need help reporting?
No Need to Hide
At No Need to Hide, they match you up with a trained buddy, who had also experienced sexual assault in the past, to best guide you through the process. This can take many forms; talking, getting specific information, going to the doctors or the police.​​